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Quick and Simple Computer Backup Tips and Strategy

The problem with backup is that sometimes we are too busy with our work and tend to forget to backup our digital data every once in a while, which can lead to some serious consequences.

The other issue is that most people never think a hard drive crash will happen to them. This mentality can be devastating.

It generally starts with something like, â??my hard drive failed.â?? and end with, â?? .how can I get the photos of my kids back? To avoid this nightmare again, you must sit down and ask yourself â??what are you going to do to prevent something like this in the future?

Listed below are some simple and quick tips for you to make your backup a breeze.

1) Backups created with the disaster recovery option enabled can speed recovery of your system after a hard drive crash or similar failure where your data is lost. Fully restore your system without installing any of the original software or operating system.

2) If you have only one drive, go buy one.

Hard drives are pretty cheap nowadays which allows you to backup another copy of your data.

3) Another form of backup that is becoming very popular is the use of what are called key drives. Key drives are tiny drives which can fit on your key chain but can still hold up to a gigabyte or more of data.

4) For added security, important files should be copied to an external hard drive or a flash drive or a CD, or sent to another computer.

5) When doing your writing, email to yourself whatever that has been written up to a certain point by using one of the web-based email accounts such as Yahoo or Gmail.

5) System Restore allows you to restore your computerâ??s configuration, driver information, and programs to a previous state while leaving your existing data intact.

Using this option can typically fix an installationâ??s problem if it is not associated with faulty hardware.


About the Author (text)Jeff Wang is the founder of the powerful article directories http://www.article-knowledge.com - an
article publishing website where top experts provide free expert advice.

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